I am currently in the process of building up new servers for our organisation and therefore will once again need to migrate our various Sage products from old server to new.
Most Sage products have a relatively easy way to do this, however Sage 50 Payroll has always been the exception to this, and is notoriously awkward when you need to point the users client software to a new server.
The company list data is held within %ProgramData%\Sage\Payroll\payroll.usr which is not an editable file, and as there is no way to export / import the company list, you are faced with only 1 option....
Print out the list, delete payroll.usr and then start browsing back in your companies.
That's not such a big deal if you only have a few companies, however if you have well over 100 companies, that is extremely tedious and always upsets my users.
I surely cannot be the only person who thinks this is particularly unhelpful?
I would like to suggest that the easiest way to overcome this problem would be for the developers to create an export / import option on the company list dialogue box.
The export could create a simple text based file, perhaps in XML format, that could easily be edited so that the UNC paths could easily be replaced with new paths, which could then be imported back in.
This would make the process of swapping servers significantly less painful for the end users.
Andy Jenkins.